Troop E-Mail List

Troop 671 uses a moderated Google Groups email list as the primary means of communicating important updates, news about events, meeting announcements, and other purposes where we want everyone to have the same information.

To subscribe, from the mailbox where you want to get the updates, simply send a blank email to You will receive an automated reply seeking confirmation of your desire to subscribe, simply reply back to that message. At that point, your request will appear in the approval queue.

To unsubscribe from the list, send a blank email to using the email address you wish to remove. 

Our Troop Committee has a separate Google Groups email list which is used to discuss Committee business outside of regularly scheduled meetings. If you’re a registered adult with our unit you want to subscribe to this too. 

To subscribe, send a blank email to Like the main Troop list, all subscription requests are subject to moderator approval.

To unsubscribe, send a blank email to

Both email groups are typically very low volume. The Troop list has on average 1 email per week on Wednesday morning containing Tuesday’s messages from the meeting.

If you are not receiving messages, check your SPAM box! GMail especially likes to flag the first message or two after subscription as junk mail!